by DR. ESTHER OH Recently, a 15-year-old male patient told me about his occasional habit of smoking marijuana with his friends. “Everyone uses it at my school. It’s not […]
Tag: drug
How to Say Goodbye to the PMS Monster
by JAMES S. KIM | @james_s_kim PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is a terrifying monster that attacks every month and leaves a path of destruction and hormones in its wake. […]
UPDATE: Three Men Arrested in Homicide of University of Georgia Student
by JAMES S. KIM | @james_s_kim UPDATE: Athens-Clarke County Police arrested a third person allegedly involved in the homicide of Min Seok Cho. Locas Amsler Raposo, 20, is […]
Korean Business Charged With Money Laundering in L.A. Fashion District Raid
by JAMES S. KIM Kidnapping, ransom and money laundering. It sounds like something out of a movie or television show, but in reality, it was one of the eye-opening […]