by REERA YOO | @reeraboo President Obama recently expressed his best wishes to all Americans celebrating Lunar New Year this year. In the video message, Obama recalled growing […]
Tag: immigration reform
One Year Ago, I Challenged Obama on Immigration. He’s Finally Listening
by JU HONG, Fusion One year ago, several undocumented youth and I stood behind President Barack Obama and interrupted his speech on immigration at the Betty Ong Center in […]
Panel Highlights Korean-Latino Intersections on Immigration Reform
by JAMES S. KIM Ju Hong didn’t learn about his immigration status until his senior year of high school when he was applying for college. As an undocumented immigrant, Hong […]
Commentary: Renewing the Promise of America For All Families
Above photo: Paul Song’s maternal grandfather, Sang Don Kim, 1961. (Courtesy of Paul Song) Today’s fight for immigration reform belongs to all families, whether we trace our immigration history […]