5 Feel-Good Snack Combinations

Looking for a nice pick-me-up after four midterms, two papers and 3 a.m. muffin crumbs in your hair?  We can only think of one thing that would make all this seem better: Food. Specifically, an easy-to-make snack that will make you feel balanced and satisfied.

Today, I’m going to show you how to put together my most favorite, quick snacks. My leaf-bordered plate is reserved for feel-good snacks and because of that, good vibes are attached to it.


Here are five instances this plate, with the right ingredients, has served me well:


1. Spring Roll Salad


What you need:

– 2 sheets of dry rice paper

– 1/2 cup of diced chicken

– 1/4 cup of diced cucumbers

– 1 tablespoon of goat cheese

– 1 handful of spring mix

What you need to do:

1)  Dip the rice paper evenly in warm water.

2)  While waiting for it to soften, heat, and season the chicken (I’m a fan of spritzing some lemon and then drizzling on a little bit of Sriracha).

3)  Put spring mix on top of one of the rice paper sheets (about 1/5 of the circle).

4)  Spread the diced chicken on top of the bed of spring mix.

5)  Top with cucumbers.

6)  Roll up the spring rolls.

7)  With any leftover spring mix, combine with goat cheese and cucumber for a side salad.


2. Sunshine Trio


What to put together:

Half a cup of blueberries, half a cup of raw almonds, and 3/4 cup of strawberries.  The combination creates a perfect amount of crunch. You’ll feel re-energized in no time.

*If you have extra time, throw the almonds into a toaster oven for 5 minutes!



3. I Made Breakfast…And it’s Happy to See You!  #Mulan

One Plate, Five Snacks

What you need:

– 1 English muffin

– 1/2 cup of diced avocado

– Sliced carrots

– Garlic hummus

– 1 cup of strawberries

– Pepper

What you need to do:

1)  Cut English muffin in half.

2)  Spread garlic hummus on both flat sides.

3)  Put generous amounts of avocado on the hummus.

4)  Sprinkle with sliced carrots and pepper.

5)  Arrange muffin into emoticon of your choosing.


4. The Magical Make-You-Love Carrots Trio


What to put together:

Half a cup of blackberries, a handful of carrots, a dab of hummus, and 12 Trader Joe’s multi-grain pita crackers




5. Green Eggs Sandwich


What you need: 

– 2 slices of bread

– 1/2 avocado

– 1 egg

– 1/2 cup of diced chicken

– Pepper

What you need to do:

1)  Toast bread.

2)  While bread is toasting, put a little bit of olive oil on the pan, then start by making the egg as sunny-side-up as possible.  Toss in the diced chicken, and then crack the yolk right when it’s done. This makes a scramble/sunny hybrid!

3)  Take bread out.

4)  Put avocado with sprinkled pepper on one side, the eggs with chicken on the other.  *This tastes delicious both as a sandwich or as two separate pieces of toast.


Don’t forget to share with us some of your favorite quick and healthy snacks!