A drama series based on the Wu-Tang Clan, created and written by Alex Tse and the RZA, has received a straight-to-series order from Hulu. “Wu-Tang: An American Saga,” set in New York in the early ‘90s, will chronicle the history of the hip-hop group.
The 10-episode series will “track the Clan’s formation, a vision of Bobby Diggs aka The RZA, who strives to unite a dozen young, black men that are torn between music and crime but eventually rise to become the unlikeliest of American success stories,” according to Hulu.
Imagine Entertainment’s Brian Grazer and Francie Calfo will help executive produce, with Clan members serving as consulting producers.
“Wu-Tang through our music has always strove to inspire as we entertain,” The RZA said. “This opportunity … will exponentially increase our inspirational style of entertainment. In the immortal words of ODB: ‘Wu-Tang is for the children.’”
Tse is best known for his writing work on “Superfly” and “Watchmen.” “Ever since I heard ‘Da Mystery of Chessboxing’ on the B-side maxi-cassette single of ‘C.R.E.A.M.’ I’ve been a lifelong Wu fan. I’ll be celebrating this by buying a pair of Clarks Wallabees,” Tse said.