Los Angeles Street Food Fest 2010. After heavy traffic, getting lucky with parking, and standing in a seemingly never-ending line I was finally inside! Set in the middle of downtown Los Angeles, the food fest was surrounded by tall buildings, and filled with thousands of hungry people. Food trucks were everywhere- a grilled cheese truck, pancake truck, french fry truck, ice cream sandwich truck, pastrami truck, and much more. However, in the midst of the land of trucks was Mama Koh’s Korean-style chicken wing booth. What made this particular food booth special was for one, it wasn’t a truck. Two, it was a family run operation, and lastly all proceeds made from selling these delicious wings were donated to relief efforts for Haiti. What a great way for a family to have some bonding time, experience LA and share culture while supporting a good cause. Mama Koh’s was also the first place to sell out at 2:45pm.
I didn’t have much time to try many other places considering the wait in lines were on average over an hour long. I was able to try some goodies from the Argentine truck Piaggio on Wheels and squeeze in some dessert from King Kone.
Overall, it was a great time surrounded by good company and tons of people wanting to experience this unique event that brought the joys of food and culture together.
Follow LA Street Food Fest and Mama Koh’s on Twitter to see what new fooding adventures await!