The days are growing shorter, and college students have already begun heading back to their institutions of learning and enlightenment, except for the University of California students, who will be sitting on their laurels until the beginning of October. For their younger high school counterparts, those entering their senior year will soon be forced to think about what they will do beyond next summer, if they haven’t started worrying already.
For those in need of some guidance, the Korea Daily College Fair might be exactly what you need. Both students and parents in the Los Angeles area are encouraged to attend this year’s fair to find out more about curriculum, admissions, financial aid and even tips on campus life.
The 9th annual L.A. College Fair will be held on Sept. 20 at Choong Hyun Mission Church in Los Angeles (address below).
Apart from the seminars and workshops, attendees will also be able to listen meet successful graduates, including Arden Cho, Steve Jung, Sally Na, Tae Eun Kim, and Janet Kwon. Anyone who needs more direct help will be able to hold one-on-one counseling sessions with admissions consultants.
Students thinking about a particular school can also meet representatives from over 50 colleges and universities. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity and find out as much as you can. If you don’t come home with a backpack full of brochures and pamphlets, you haven’t done enough.
You can find out more about the Korea Daily College Fair on their website. They’ve also listed a few tips for students and parents to look over before hitting the fair.
Click here for tickets for the Los Angeles fair (same-day registration is at 9:30 a.m. at the fair).
For those outside of Los Angeles, you can check out fairs in Atlanta on Sept. 13 and New York on Sept. 27.