American Idol Eye Candy: John Park

Asian American males aren’t usually well-represented on American Idol. We had Anoop “My Prerogative” Desai make it pretty far last year, but he had to break past the shameful gates of the house that Sanjaya Malakar and William Hung built.

Asian American women have only had three spots in the Big Show: Pinays Camile Velasco, Jasmine Trias, and Ramiele Malubay [blogger’s note: Thanks to the anonymous tipster who alerted me to my previous Ramiele omission!].

So even though AI Season 9 is still in the audition rounds, any glimpses of talented Asian American singers brings us hope. Even more so if they’re smoking hot, tall Korean and making Shania Twain feel like a woman.

Behold, John Park. He’s going to Hollywood:


Yes, I’m annoyed by how “surprised” the judges were that Park could actually sing well. Were they expecting him to sound like this?


All that b.s. aside, good luck John Park!

May your smooth, soulful crooning get you to the top 13 and get thousands of other Korean men named John Park a few numbers at the club.