An Inside Look Into Seoul’s Street Style Trends With Alex Finch


Winter trends continue on the streets of Seoul as we move towards the New Year with cozy knits, layers and oversized coats to keep out the biting chill.  Looking back over the street trends of 2014, we decided to give you a short reading break from what is “in” for Korean fashion, and instead share a bit of an inside perspective of these flowing fads and beloved street portraits.

With over a hundred thousand followers and thousands of re-blogs daily, Alex Finch’s photos straight from Seoul have captured everyone’s attention on social media to online galleries for Vogue.  While he’s out finding intriguing looks, we ask him what is it about Seoul and its fashionable people that attract growing international appreciation.


Winter Trends, Image Courtesy Of Alex Finch

Audrey Magazine: Compared to other Asian metropolitans, what fascinates you about the fashion found on the streets of Seoul worn by its city dwellers?
Alex Finch: I should start by saying that I have only seriously shot in Seoul, but have been in Tokyo a few times. I think that I like the “fashion with restraint” (don’t remember where I heard that, but I think it fits) that makes for a good selection of photos with variety. Different areas of the city definitely give you groupings of different styles, but I like the variety I see on the streets that I frequent.

AM: You’ve been taking street portraits for quite awhile, do you feel Korean fashion is more about current trend or individual eclecticism? 
AF: Again, I think there’s a mixture of both. I hear a lot of people say that Koreans just follow whatever trends are around, but I’m not sure that’s any different to any other nation that falls outside the main fashion centres of the world. However, I have some friends who don’t seem to follow any trends and just make up their own style on the go. I admire that a lot.
AM: Your photos were extremely popular during Seoul Fashion Week, is there more buzz outside versus indoors while runway shows are being presented?  Can you share with us how a day goes spent capturing all the amazing outfits being worn at the seasonal SFWs?
AF: First, I should say thank you. Most of the photographers I shoot regularly with would rather be outside shooting the street and what they see more commonly on famous foreign photographers’ websites during fashion weeks, but I did enjoy shooting backstage during this season because I got to speak to the models and try a new style.
AM: What intrigues you more during your street portraits, the individual garments people wear or how they style things as a whole?  What makes the image have more impact?
AF: I honestly think it depends. Shooting for this long, I have seen instances of both. When I’m snapping without asking, it’s usually an item that I see, be it shoes or a bag. When I’m shooting a full body portrait, then the entire look makes a difference.
AM: Finally, what is your favorite season to photograph people and their fashion choices?
AF: I’m a huge fan of spring turning to summer. It’s not too hot and the colours begin to come back after the dark tones and heavy jackets of winter. It’s also much more comfortable for me as a photographer!

From Head-To-Toe Trend, This Little One Shows Us How It’s Done, Image Courtesy Of
Winter Trends 2014, Image Courtesy Of Alex Finch
Fall/Winter Trends 2014, Image Courtesy Of Alex Finch
More Color Blocking For Fall 2014, Image Courtesy Of Alex Finch

Fall-time In Seoul 2014, Image Courtesy Of
Favorite Summer Accessories 2014, Image Courtesy Of
Enjoying Spring 2014, Image Courtesy Of

Feature Images Courtesy Of and