College Student Extols Virtues of Thriftiness

Christine Kim is a Korean American student at the University of California, Los Angeles who has made a name for herself on campus by sharing tips with her fellow Bruins on how to save money, according to a report in the Korea Daily.

On her website, Tips to Save at UCLA, students find advice on where to go for free printers and shuttle services, as well as counseling info and which stores offer the best deals on used books. Launched in mid-July, the site has since seen some 70,000 visitors, with nearly 600 posts to date.


The site comes as fees are rising across the board at all public and private schools in California. Kim told UCLA’s Daily Bruin that the idea began as a way for her to help her family out financially, with her sending tips and advice to friends via Facebook and Twitter. On the urging of her classmates, Kim decided to launch the site.

This article was originally published by New America Media. Reprinted with permission.
