Fitness Friday: How To Get (And Stay) Motivated

Two years ago, I made the choice to switch to a healthier lifestyle. This mainly consisted of being aware of what food I ate and figuring out a consistent workout schedule.

Truthfully, it was very difficult in the beginning because I did not know where to start. I had very little knowledge about gyms, workout equipment and types of exercises I should be doing. Stepping into the gym was so intimidating, I would often stay on a treadmill or elliptical so I would feel “safe.” As much as I wanted to strength train, I was self-conscious of how weak I looked or how stupid I may seem with improper form (proper form is VERY important, by the way, but more on that later). Even if I did workout with other people, I was very stubborn and reluctant to follow certain exercises.

But I kept on trying. You have to keep in mind that everyone starts from somewhere. The important thing is that you are up and making an effort! If you ever lose motivation, feel lazy or get intimidated, here are some tips to help keep you going:



1. Surround yourself with positivity.


Let’s be honest, many of us are constantly checking our social media accounts. So why not start there? Personally, I go on Pinterest or Instagram to find motivational quotes so I can easily refer back to them when I need an extra push.

It is also important that you keep positive energy around you, whether it’s a fellow workout partner that is willing to push you or having friends that share your excitement on your fastest timed mile. A support system will help you along your fitness journey.

Others can’t support you if you don’t support yourself. Don’t ever put yourself down! Even if you feel like you didn’t work out as hard as you should have, don’t worry! It’s much better than skipping a workout altogether. According to Neesha Choksy at, having positive thoughts after a workout will help you stay motivated and you won’t be dreading the next time you exercise.



2. Dress Up!

Courtesy of Abundant Heart Apparel on Etsy.
Courtesy of Abundant Heart Apparel on Etsy.

No, not like that! Put down those heels, girl. When you workout, wear something that you feel comfortable and confident in! When I started exercising, all I had were pajamas and sweats. Looking like I rolled out of bed did not help me feel energetic at all. So I went out and bought fitted leggings (you know you want to check out that booty after squatting) and colorful tanks tops. I also tend to buy tops with motivational quotes, no matter how cheesy it may seem.



3. Tune Out The World

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Are you one of those people where music affects your mood? Grab your iPod and create a fast-paced energetic playlist. Trust me, the right beat and the right song will keep you going. This will also help you focus on yourself and not the guy flexing in the mirror across the gym.

Do you need some song suggestions to get your started? The one song that will always push me to my limit is Lil Jon and Steve Aoki’s Turbulence.” I know, it’s very EDM, intense and something I don’t normally listen to, but it helps me run just a little faster on the treadmill. Are you feeling a little competitive or need to let out some steam because of an ex-boyfriend? Try an empowering song like “Better Than Her” by Matisse and Akon. You’ll feel so accomplished after your workout. Who needs a man in your life anyway?

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