HBO Asia is debuting its first comedy series, “Sent,” in September, according to Deadline. The show will air two episodes back-to-back starting with the premiere on Sept. 17 and continue to run through mid-October.
“Sent” is set and filmed in Singapore and tells the story of Jay Bunani, played by Haresh Tilani. A regular office worker, Jay deals with the everyday stresses of office life by pounding his feelings out on a keyboard and onto an email draft that he never sends. Everything gets out of hand, however, when his computer malfunctions and every inflammatory draft in his inbox gets sent.
Jay has to deal with the aftermath of the email blast along with a failed engagement and trying to keep everything hidden from his parents. He eventually recruits the help of a college friend to help him cope and turn his misfortune into an opportunity to grow.
HBO Asia’s new series features a number of Asian talents on its cast and is directed and co-produced by Singaporean comedian Alaric Tay. The series will also be available on HBO NOW and HBO GO.