Marvel’s “The Inhumans,” which will air on ABC, has cast Ken Leung as Karnak and Mike Moh as Triton, both members of the Inhumans Royal Family.
Leung’s Karnak is a super-intelligent martial artist and closest adviser to Black Bolt who was first introduced in 1965 through “Fantastic Four.” Moh’s Triton, Karnak’s superhuman brother, lives underwater.
The series, which will also be available in IMAX, is the latest Marvel Universe tale to arrive at ABC. The network airs “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” and ran two seasons of “Agent Carter.” According to the Hollywood Reporter, the show is not a spin-off of either. It was initially planned as a feature film by the comic giant.
According to the show’s description, “The Inhumans” will follow “the never-before-told epic adventure of the royal family.”
It is truly the age of comic book television shows — adaptations of superhero comics dominate the landscape, from Netflix’s “Daredevil,” “Jessica Jones,” “Luke Cage” and the coming “Iron Fist,” as well as the CW’s “The Flash” and “Supergirl,” and FX’s newly announced X-Men drama series that will starJamie Chung as Blink.
Leung has appeared in “Lost” and “The Night Shift,” and played Kid Omega in “X-Men: The Last Stand.” Showrunner Scott Buck told Deadline that the actor “has a great natural intelligence that reads clearly and will add depth and complexity to the very complicated character of Karnak.”
Moh, a martial artist best known for his stints as Ryu on live-action “Street Fighter” TV and web adaptations, has also been seen on “Empire.”
They will be joined by Anson Mount, Eme Ikwuakor, Isabelle Cornish, Sonya Balmores and Ellen Woglom.