Singer-songwriter thùy went from the sterile halls of medical clinics to gracing the sandy Coachella stage as the festival’s first Vietnamese American artist in a seismic career shift — and, serendipitously, a successful one at that. Bay Area-bred artist was raised by Vietnamese refugee parents in Northern California; working towards becoming a physician’s assistant, she tried her hand at her favorite childhood pastime — singing. And it stuck. thùy’s been crafting and releasing singles, EPs and albums since 2015, and she’s not slowing down now. Her latest full-length album, “wings,” dropped this past October to huge success and a world tour announcement.
Character Media had a chance to sit down and chat with the singer about her most recent musical venture and what it took to get to this point.
Character Media: What made you want to take that leap and pursue music full-time after working in the medical field? Was music always a passion for you?
thùy: I get this question so much and I try to change it up, but the facts are the facts. I’ve wanted to sing ever since I could talk, and I knew I would make it happen, but it wasn’t something I would tell people. But when I was at home alone, it was serious to me.
Because my parents never encouraged us to pursue the arts, I was like ‘Okay, I guess I have to work in the medical field.’ I remember I moved back home after graduating from UC Santa Barbara. I was taking a bunch of classes so I could apply to PA school, and I [worked] at all these different medical offices. But I met somebody that brought me into the studio. And this was my first time experiencing creating music, not just singing karaoke. I remember feeling so at home — it was what I wanted to do.
A couple years after I moved back to the Bay, I was working in the medical field and doing studio time. I wouldn’t tell anybody. I was living a double life. I definitely had moments in my earlier career where I felt, ‘Oh my God. I think if I just apply myself fully, I think I can do this.’
I always felt like a very lucky girl. I never felt like there was much to lose.
One day, around the same time [my] music was doing well [on] SoundCloud, a room had opened up in Los Angeles, and I had to make the decision, like, “Do you want to keep working at this optometry office? Or do you want to just fully do music?’ I remember being like, ‘ I don’t have anything set up in Los Angeles. I don’t have a job lined up,’ but I was excited about a new opportunity, so I took the risk. I struggled when I moved out here, but in hindsight, it was the best decision I made for myself.
CM: What was the first karaoke song that you could really sing? You’re like, ‘I’m gonna blow them out of the water with this one.’
T: It was Britney Spear’s “Sometimes.” Oh, my god, me and my sister used to duet! I can’t think of [the song] right now, but [it] was me and my sister’s go-to. She wouldn’t [even] sing, I would have her there for support. I would just take the shine.
CM: Does your family influence your artistry? Does their story influence how you make your music? I would love to go into the process of how you make music.
T: I don’t think about my family and heritage when making music because I just pull from my experiences. Whether it’s love or heartbreak or [what] I’m going through on a daily basis. Maybe indirectly, especially when it pertains to mental health, my experiences as a daughter of immigrants and not being able to be emotional in front of my family growing up contributes to [what] I deal with mentally. I write a lot of vulnerable songs about my mental health…actually, this is the first time I’m realizing that [the two] correlate with each other.
But, when I’m doing my visuals, I am very intentional in how I can show people that look like me — literally putting my parents or my niece, who just immigrated, in my music videos to show my heritage. I’m proud of it, but I want it to be about the music.
CM: Speaking of music, how do you think your process has evolved over the years?
T: I’ve become a better songwriter. The songs I used to write, now I’m listening like, ‘Why did you say that? Or, what does that even mean? There’s no substance there.’ Now, I’m intentional about telling a story. I have been more confident in making music. It comes from putting myself in rooms with people who are way more talented than me, [and] who pushed me to push myself.
I feel like that little Asian girl is still in me, wanting to be the best. I never grew up learning music theory or taking vocal classes, so I always felt behind. Especially when you’re working with all these amazing producers, vocalists and songwriters, [but] I always wanted to make sure I had a piece of myself in the music. I feel way more confident being in whatever room, because I’m the only one who can tell my story.
CM: What advice from other musicians have you kept with you throughout the years? What is some advice you would give others?
T: I stand by this: Fake it to make it. No one knows you’re insecure. You are meant to be here, you’re supposed to be in these rooms — just own it. It took me a long time, but it’s just doing it..until it doesn’t really scare you anymore. And things are always going to get bigger. And it’s always going to feel like you have to prove yourself. But I think you get to a certain point in your career where you don’t feel like you have to prove yourself anymore. And I’m getting closer to that.
CM: Can you walk me through getting a call for Coachella? What did that mean to you and how did it differ from other festivals?
T: It was the biggest production I’ve ever put on. There was so much planning. We worked with a whole new team. I felt so vulnerable again. You always think you’re comfortable, and then you get put into these uncomfortable positions, and you grow as an artist and as a person. When I got that call, I was overwhelmed with a lot of emotions, but I still felt like it wasn’t real until it was. I still hold Coachella as one of my top performances.
CM: What are some goals for future performances that you have set in mind for yourself?
T: Yeah. Not theatrical, but I want to have a show theme. I want to take the musical Broadway aspect to the shows, like, you look at the set and the costumes, and you’re like, ‘Oh, this is clearly a very cohesive theme.’ We did that well with Coachella, where we went with a “Dune” and “Mad Max” vibe. Visuals [and] outfits matched it. So thinking holistically, not just like, ‘Oh, I’m just going to go up there and sing pretty and whatever.’
CM: Those are all our questions. Is there anything you would like to discuss?
T: We’re wrapping up a project, and I’m excited for people to hear the new music. It’s different, and it’s gonna keep people on their toes.
This article appeared in Character Media’s Annual 2024 Issue.
Read our full e-magazine here.