Why this content creator decided that hanging onto his smartphone wasn’t the right option.
Tag: commentary
Losing Lāhaina
Months after the devastating Lāhaina wildfires, the islands and its inhabitants are still reeling from the loss. But they’ll survive—just as they always have.
Commentary: Why ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ is a Big Deal
“Crazy Rich Asians” — the big-screen adaptation of Kevin Kwan’s 2013 novel of the same name — is not just a gorgeous movie with the color and energy of […]
Will The Real Hapa Please Stand Up?
by KIMBERLY-ROSE KA’IULANI WOLTER In his latest film, Aloha, Cameron Crowe has written one of the most prominent hapa characters in a big budget motion picture: Allison Ng. […]
Commentary: Renewing the Promise of America For All Families
Above photo: Paul Song’s maternal grandfather, Sang Don Kim, 1961. (Courtesy of Paul Song) Today’s fight for immigration reform belongs to all families, whether we trace our immigration history […]
One Korean American Dad’s Guide to High School
by PETER HONG If you are lucky enough to be the parents of teenagers going to academically competitive schools, you’re also likely to be in an environment full of […]