[VIDEO] Korean Women Describe Their Orgasm Experiences on Pikicast

by REERA YOO | @reeraboo

Korean social media and broadcasting app Pikicast recently sat down with a group of Korean women and asked them about their sexual experiences.

As each woman vividly describes how her body feels during an orgasm, the video cuts away to a clip that artistically represents the sensations described in the interview.

“It feels like there’s water inside me, and it’s like overflowing,” says one woman, as a footage of water spilling over a pot appear on screen.

One woman likens the experience to “melting away” in simmering heat, just as the video cuts to a with a monochromatic clip of butter melting on a frying pan. A different speaker describes the feeling as water flowing out of a faucet.

One interviewee says an orgasm makes her body feel like it’s suddenly floating up in the air, while another woman compares the sensation to being a “watery pasta noodle.”

The video garnered over 604,851 views and 3,000 shares on Facebook since its release on Tuesday. Many commenters praised the filmmakers for the video’s cinematography.

You can watch the full Pikicast interview below:


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