Asian Guys Respond To Cyberbullying Over Lorde’s Asian Boyfriend

Last week, much to our dislike, New Zealand singer/songwriter Lorde faced what can only be described as racist cyberbullying.

Rumors began to spread that the 17-year-old singer called Justin Beiber and the members of One Direction “ugly.” As a result, Beiber fans and One Direction fans chose to retaliate. Their main focus? Lorde’s 24-year-old rumored boyfriend, James Lowe.

The worst part about all this is that the cyberbullies chose to use some of the worst stereotypes about Asian males. Although he did nothing to deserve the insults, Lowe was called ugly, scrawny, nerdy, Psy gone wrong, and a number of other derogatory terms.


While many Asians expressed anger about the racist remarks, comedian Andrew Fung tried to focus on some of the positives of this situation.

“I was like, ‘Oh, he’s a skinny Asian guy! It’s not like he’s a buff K-Pop guy,'” said Fung. “That’s very cool.”

Fun pointed out that the situation would be much less controversial had Lorde been dating a more “conventionally attractive Asian-American male,” but is glad that a “nerdy Asian guy is in the spotlight.”

Fung and his brother David expressed their full views on the situation through the following video. Though it was uploaded less than a week ago, the video has already gathered over 66,000 views on YouTube.