Bruno Mars Serenades 11-Year-Old Girl Injured by Drunk Driver - Character Media

Bruno Mars Serenades 11-Year-Old Girl Injured by Drunk Driver

Right in the middle of a recent concert in Ohio, Bruno Mars stepped off stage to personally serenade one of his adoring fans, leaving the rest of the audience in a fit of hysterics. After all, it’s not often a world-famous Grammy winner singles out a fan to serenade. I mean, can you imagine all the jealous fangirls that would create? That’s a road no celeb wants to go down, so why all the attention to 11-year-old Zumyah Thorpe?

Well, as Bruno Mars puts it, she’s “an inspiration to the world.”

Last March, Zumyah lost her pregnant mother as well as both of her younger sisters when a drunk driver in a pickup truck collided with their vehicle. Zumyah Thorpe and her older sister survived the crash, but Zumyah suffered from a traumatic brain injury that left her unable to walk and talk. Doctors seriously wondered whether or not she would be able to gain these skills back.

Then something amazing happened.

Zumyah wasn’t about to give up. She began to improve her speech skills with the help of something very specific: Bruno Mars songs. Doctors soon discovered that Zumyah could sing, and she knew all the worlds to her favorite Bruno Mars songs.

“I am absolutely convinced that singing those Bruno Mars songs and being able to say ‘Bruno Mars’ is in itself a miracle,” says pediatric neurologist Dr. Nancy Bass, “and knowing all the words to the songs has helped her recover.”

Mars got wind of the amazing story and the impact his music had on Zumyah’s recovery. This obviously pulled at his own heartstrings and Mars chose to acknowledge it. During his concert, he shared Zumyah’s story to the crowd before hopping off stage to give her a special performance.

Was the audience filled with jealous fangirls that night? Nope. Just an audience that loves Bruno Mars even more.

Check out the heartwarming performance below:

