If you’re looking for something to make you smile and warm your heart, then you’ve come to right place. We’ve just found the newest member to our list of Adorable Asian Babies, and she’s brought a friend!
The gentle giant’s name is Simba and he’s a 2-year-old Tibetan Mastiff. Because of the breed’s large size, Tibetan Mastiff’s have historically been used as guard dogs. This does not appear to be the case with Simba however, who seems to resemble a pillow or a soft playground more than anything else.
The tiny human playing with (or shall we say on top of) Simba is Weiwei. Undaunted by Simba’s large size, Weiwei seems perfectly comfortable lounging on top of and cuddling with the gentle giant.
After the initial adorable gibberish, Weiwei begins singing popular Taiwanese song 爱笑的眼ç›, which roughly translates to “loving and smiling eyes.”
Despite the little one sitting on him and talking away, Simba doesn’t seem to mind the company of his best friend. Check out the video below which has already begun to go viral and has reminded many viewers of the characters in My Neighbor Totoro.
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