Who doesn’t enjoy a warm and delicious bowl of pho? According to this recent video, “How White People Order Ethnic Food,” Caucasians can’t get enough of it. Is that a bad thing? Absolutely not. We love when people have an appreciation for food outside of their own culture. You love Asian food and you’re not Asian? That’s great! Unfortunately, as this video points out, some foodies may like the idea of ethnic food more than the actual food itself.
This three minute comedy sketch features two people who believe Vietnamese food is “like the best for you. So healthy. That’s why they live forever.” Yup, it sounds problematic already.
The woman orders some pho… but the veggie version. Except she wants no veggies, no broth, thicker noodles and a thick sauce. The man orders “kyung yong,” with the chicken subbed with pork, no rice paper and an endless list of more impossible demands.
What’s a waiter to do with all these requests? There seems to be only one solution..
He brings out macaroni, chicken nuggets, ketchup and lettuce.
As funny as watching the video can be, how accurate do you think it is? Is this more prevalent for Americans ordering ethnic food because of the melting pot of cuisine here? Tell us your thoughts!