Happy 2019 — and thank goodness for Marie Kondo, who’s got all of us on the KonMari method via her new Netflix show, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.”
The series follows the Japanese tidiness guru as she encourages people to transform their lives through decluttering. We thought we’d check on reactions to the show, which released just two days ago — and learned everyone’s already throwing their clothes into piles and asking themselves, “Does this spark joy?”
I feel like I can divide my twitter timeline into two categories right now and it’s “people who haven’t watched Marie Kondo on Netflix yet” and “people who are currently knee deep in clutter touching all their sweaters to spark joy”
— victoria, a glorious 2019 phoenix (@vqnerdballs) January 2, 2019
This is what happens when you and your husband both have ADHD and you watch the first episode of the Marie Kondo Netflix show
…there is no joy in this pile of clothes, guys pic.twitter.com/315aN4eRpr
— Kerrie Colleen Byrne (@kercoby) January 2, 2019
Inspired by Netflix and Tidying up with Marie Kondo, I have two bags of clothes ready to donate today. More to come for sure. #clothes #tidyingupwithmariekondo pic.twitter.com/i0rOYzklWd
— Karen Foreman-Brown (@serenity22) January 2, 2019
Just reorganized my T-shirt drawer. Oh yeah. Who wants to touch me? #MarieKondo pic.twitter.com/GypNsPMBT8
— Dan Beasley-Harling (@DBeasleyHarling) January 2, 2019
LOL this isn’t even all of it. I think I would actually break Marie Kondo pic.twitter.com/Nsw5OfFoHa
— libba kidd (@libbuh) January 1, 2019
@mariekondo is so adorable and I love her new Netflix show.
I’ve read the book and started clearing out today!
Each hanger is one less unneeded item of clothing! Those are 30 gallon bags!#konmari #tidyingupwithmariekondo #NewYearsResolutions pic.twitter.com/T0DpXx84rR— Amy Koeller (@amy_koeller) January 1, 2019
I watched an episode of the KonMari show, so pic.twitter.com/6UJMaYoY5M
— Jessica Roy (@jessica_roy) January 1, 2019
After episode one I have decided to donate ALL of this. Nothing “sparked joy” but I hope it will for someone else. Thank you, thank you! pic.twitter.com/26oMeyvFSt
— JG (@jmgam04) January 2, 2019
Organizing my jeans with the KonMari Method.
Thank you @MarieKondo @netflix !#tidyingupwithmariekondo pic.twitter.com/hFMuOEdsr9
— Jennifer Chung
(@JenniferJChung) January 2, 2019
LOOK AT THIS GODDAMN WARDROBE#KonMari gasm. pic.twitter.com/8b0sA3c6uZ
— Jen (@juniperlilacs) December 31, 2018
Why yes, we DID start watching the Marie Kondo show on netflix, why do you ask? pic.twitter.com/6mklD2yMzf
— joemag in the year 2019 (@joemag_games) January 1, 2019
I’m 2 episodes into Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and all the clothes I own are already on my bed pic.twitter.com/EHn9zFb7Rj
— Maggie May (@Flannel_Planet) January 2, 2019
tfw you tune into that new marie kondo show and you suddenly have newly organized shelves and two large donation piles
— betty felon (@bettyfelon) January 2, 2019