In Japan, most anime series and their fandoms are considered a niche, relegated to children and the otaku subculture. Attack on Titan (the English translation for Shingeki no Kyojin) has transcended that stereotype and is an undeniable pop culture phenomenon in Japan today. For those who are unfamiliar with this fandom, Attack on Titan is based on a manga series by Hajime Isaya in 2009, but it’s popularity took off with the 2013 anime adaptation. A dark medieval fantasy where the enemies are gigantic, scary, cannibalistic “titans” that visually represent the ugliness of humanity, Attack on Titan has taken on a life of its own with popular cameraphone apps, Pizza Hut campaigns and now its own attraction in Universal Studios Japan.
The Attack on Titan attraction is part of a limited time exhibit hosted by the Japanese tourist organization Universal Cool Japan. The attraction features lifelike titan and character statues from the series that guests can pose with to make them feel like they’ve stepped inside the Attack on Titan world. There is also a cafe where guests can relax and dine on Attack on Titan themed cuisine (we assume no humans were harmed in making) and purchase plenty of merchandise. Judging from early pictures posted on twitter and other social media platforms, it seems as if the guests are having loads of fun exploring and immersing themselves in the Attack on Titan world:
Here are two videos for anyone who wants to experience the attraction, but can’t fly to Osaka, Japan (warning: no English subtitles).
This limited-time exhibit is only open until May 10th. If you can’t make it to Osaka in time, the Attack on Titan live action movie will be released sometime in the summer this year as well as a second season of the anime that is tentatively set for 2016.
The Titans are coming for you.
Feature image courtesy of DramaFever.