Creepy Craigslist Listing For “Young, Gay, Asian Waiter”

Most of the racist things that I come across online (and trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of them), typically create emotions of anger. While I can’t say this craigslist listing is completely void of anger, I would use other words to describe this: weird, creepy, and uncomfortable are just a few examples.

Hailing from Portland, John is currently seeking “2 young, gay, Asian waiters” to help with “an over-the-top gay, costume party” which is themed “The Secrets of the Orient-The Year of the Snake”.

Although he claims that this party will be “awesome”, we don’t quite see how having Asians as his party props will do so. The mere fact that he specifies that these individuals must be young gives us the jitters. And a costume party? We can already smell the troubling racial stereotypes that are headed in our direction.

There are many ways to celebrate cultures that are not your own. There are many ways to celebrates the gay community. But having young, gay, Asians act as waiters and serve you for your “over-the-top gay, costume party” is not one of them.

Check out the listing here.