Drama Fo’ Yo Mama Contest: New Editors’ Pick

“Phones Before Flowers” is the new Editors’ Pick. Our previous Editors’ Pick, “Summer Sonata,” was created years back and the rules stated that submissions must be original creations.

P.S. As stated before in the comments, this is our first contest and we at KoreAm admit that there have been some kinks. We are still learning and guarantee that the next time we do this (there will be a next time!), it will all run much more smoothly.

Well, without further to do, congratulations “Phones Before Flowers!”


“Phones before Flowers – 꽃보다 핸”
Writer and director: Roy Choi
DP & Editor: Si Joon Lee
Cast: Paul “PK” Kim, Janet Choi, Roy Choi
Production Assistants: Christine Kim, Rina Lee