Family Who Found Daughter 10 Years After Tsunami Also Finds Son


Earlier this month, we brought you the heartwarming story of Raudhatul Jannah, who was reunited with her family 10 years after a gigantic tsunami hit her Indonesian province. Now, it appears the family has yet another reason to rejoice. Soon after their reunion with Jannah, the family was able to locate Jannah’s missing older brother, Arif Pratama Rangkuti.

The Indian Ocean Tsunami, which occurred on December 26, 2004, killed an estimated total of 250,000 people and left 1.7 million residents homeless. The tsunami caused Jannah (who was only 4 years old at the time) and Arif (who was 7) to separate from their parents. After months of searching, the children were presumed dead.

Ten years later, Jannah’s uncle spotted a girl walking along the street and could not ignore the resemblance to his lost niece. After many questions, Jannah was confirmed as the missing daughter believed to be dead by her family. Best of all, she brought news that her brother may still be alive since they were briefly stranded on an island together.



News of this reunion gained much attention and the family hoped this would be enough to find their missing son as well. They were right. According to The Guardian, a couple contacted the family after seeing a picture of young Arif. Apparently, a homeless teenager had a strong resemblance to the child in the photo and when they showed the young man a picture of the family, he exclaimed, “That’s mother!”

After confirming his identity, the family picked him up earlier this week. Call it a miracle, but after 10 years of being apart, this family is finally complete again.

