I Am KoreAm: Cory May

I am KoreAm and proud because:
I represent the blending of two cultures: American and Korean. I am proud of both my American heritage and my Korean heritage. Fellow KoreAms are a unique blend. We are the positive result of two people falling in love, a love that, for many, grew out of something darker: war.

Out of violence, death and destruction, two cultures created a friendship that continues to this day. From that cultural friendship between two nations, my parents met and fell in love.

In my life, through the amazing experiences, as well as the negative repercussions of being a mixed-race child, I’ve come to LOVE being KoreAm. I embrace both of my cultural heritages to their fullest. When people ask what my ethnic background is, I am extremely proud to say I am Korean American.

Having lived in the United States and now in South Korea, I am able to gain a better understanding of both sides from a cultural and historical stand point. I LOVE sharing cultural aspects from both sides with each other. American friends, curious about Korean culture, will consult me about various things such as food or customs. The same goes for Koreans asking me about American culture.

As an English teacher in a public school in Seoul, I am able to gain unique insight to the wonderful minds of young Korean kids. In turn, I open their minds about the relationship between the U.S. and Korea. I show them interesting things from America that have been assimilated into Korean culture that they never knew about. I love seeing the wide-opened eyes when they realize these things.
I live between two worlds and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I am a proud KoreAm~!!!

Describe your background.
My name is Cory May. I am 32 years old. My mother is Korean and she is from Seoul. My father is American, of German/European descent and is from Chicago. I have one younger brother, who is 30 years old, and he lives in Los Angeles. I am a U.S. Navy brat. I was born in Japan and spent most of my elementary, middle and high school years going to school on U.S. Navy bases. I have also lived in Hawaii and around the Washington, DC area for a number of years.

I attended the University of Hawaii for a few years before changing my major. I received my Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from the Corcoran College of Art & Design. Currently, I am living and working in Seoul as a Native English Teacher with S.M.O.E. (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education). Besides being a teacher, I am also an active YouTuber in Seoul. I love Korea so I want to share everything about my experiences in Korea through my YouTube videos!

What issues going on in the world, and/or in the Korean American / Asian American community affect you the most?
Global issues such as poverty, hunger, inequality, endangered species and war always affect me. In the Asian American communities, I think the issues of racial stereotypes are still being addressed. Racial issues, in general, have been a big problem in America and discrimination against Asians does exist. Some people don’t even realize that. I don’t want to give examples because I believe many can already assume what those stereotypes are about Asians. I think through more community and public outreach and education, the generations to come will be more informed about Asian cultures and hopefully the stereotypes will fade away.

Another issue that affects me is the eating of dog meat in Korea. As a Korean American, I tried to understand it from a cultural stand point. I even tried eating it myself. What I’ve come to learn is that the dog meat industry in Korea is wrong and has nothing to do with Korean culture. Over 2 million dogs are tortured and killed every year. I won’t go into the details of how the dogs are treated and how they are killed but it is definitely inhumane.

The other issue I have with this problem is that it is actually illegal to sell dog meat in Korea. There’s an actual Animal Protection Law that states that. But in Korea, people turn a blind eye to it because of personal greed and the lack of sympathy towards dogs as animals who have the right to live and be happy. There are organizations and petitions to stop the illegal dog meat industry but currently it’s a long upward battle to end it once and for all.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life?
My parents have been the biggest influence in my life. They have instilled in me my knowledge about the world. They gave me a solid base of love and care and open-mindedness, which has shaped my morals, values and overall outlook on life. They have always been there to support me through my ups-and-downs in life. I love them!


What is one goal you would like to accomplish during your lifetime?
I want to visit as many countries as possible on each continent.

What is the kindest thing that someone has ever done for you?
It’s hard to say which is the kindest out of many different acts of kindness. The ones that stand out are from my parents, such as buying my airplane ticket to Seoul. That’s just one example of many acts of kindness that my parents have shown me.

If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?
North Korea. The REAL North Korea, not the fake one that the regime shows the rest of the world. I want to go to the one where innocent, brain-washed people are suffering and starving. Why? I could say I want to go to Italy or Germany or Peru. Most people can access those places. I am not concerned about traveling there, it will happen one day.
As a descendant of Koreans, I feel the sorrow many others in South Korea share about the separation of North and South Korea. Many families were separated after the Korean war and have never been able to see or hear from each other ever again. It’s very sad. I want to go to North Korea, not only to say I’ve been there, but to also help those who are starving and being oppressed.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
I will try all food at least once. Eating liver, tripe, coagulated blood, etc is nothing new to me. I especially love eating raw seafood of all types. I eat those things quite often so I don’t consider those to be weird at all. I consider those things delicious!
For me, the weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten has to be a vegan bacon burger. Seriously, that’s weird! A burger patty is traditionally made of beef. When you turn tofu into something that mimics meat, it is very weird to me. To top it off, the burger had fake bacon made from tofu as well! The concept is what’s weird to me. If you don’t like meat, why make something look and taste like meat? I’d rather just eat a block of plain tofu and be happy that way.

Do you have any phobias?
I wouldn’t say I have any serious phobias, maybe more like some anxiety towards some things. For example, I love swimming and snorkeling very much! But I am afraid to scuba dive because I get anxious when thinking about what if I am 100 feet down and something happens and then I drown. I suppose they train you for those scenarios in a swimming pool first. Just the thought of that worries me.


What do you think the greatest invention in your lifetime is and why?
While the origins of the Internet go back to the 1960’s and 1970’s, the current form of commercial Internet service started emerging around the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. I would have to say the Internet is the single most greatest invention in my lifetime, thus far.

Do you have any words that you live by?
It may sound stupid to some but the term “YOLO” is actually something I live by. But I don’t say it out loud before doing something like “Hashtag YOLO guys!” That fad is funny to me. But I live by the “YOLO” ideal. I am always willing to try new experiences in life because we really do only live once. My English teacher in high school once said “A life with regrets is a life not worth living.” That has always stuck with me.

Tell us about the hardest thing you’ve ever done.
I would say moving away from my family and being thousands of miles apart is pretty hard. Thankfully, the Internet and social networking keeps me in touch with my family. My YouTube videos are also a way for my family and friends to keep up with what I’ve been doing in Korea.

If you could choose one song to describe your life, what would it be and why?
This might sound like a cop out but I don’t think there is one song that can describe my life. My life has been full of travel, new friends, new schools, new homes, etc. Many ups and many downs. My life would best be described through a playlist of songs rather than a single song.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope to still be living in Korea or at least in Asia. I hope to be doing something related to what I love and for me that is making YouTube videos and sharing Korea with the rest of the world. Maybe I can be a cinematographer for the Korea Tourism Organization or National Geographic or something like that. I want to be involved in documenting life and culture through video.

How do you show your love for others?
I suppose I do it through friendship — by being there for them when they need help or even when they don’t need help. Hugs are also nice.

What is one quality you admire most in others?
Some people are really aggressive in pursuing their goals such as fulfilling their career dreams and what not. I admire those people who just go for it and work hard to make it happen. They inspire me to do the same thing in my life with my dreams and goals.

If you could have any super powers, what would it be?
While I could probably rattle off a list of things from the Marvel comic universe or even from TV shows like “Heroes,” I think the one power I would like to have would be the ability to manipulate space-time.


Is your favorite time the past, present or the future?
My favorite time is now, the present. The past is done. Can’t change it. The future is molded by our actions in the present. I love that we all have active roles in the future by simply living out our dreams in present day.

Tell us about a vivid dream you have had.
I usually have vivid, natural disaster types of dreams. Earthquakes, tsunamis and meteor impacts. Those types of dreams. I suppose growing up in Japan and experiencing countless earthquakes and tsunami scares has molded my subconscious. The meteor impact dreams come from my love of astronomy and the realization that a comet or meteor impact is not a matter of if it will happen but when it will happen.

What is your guilty pleasure?
I can’t think of one right now but I remember a time when I made fun of people who watched The Jersey Shore. A few years later, I found myself watching the entire show on Netflix, twice.

What websites do you visit daily?
Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, VidStatX

When was the last time you cried?
In 2012 for some personal reasons. I’m not really one to cry.

What is something that not too many people know about you?
I have a giant tattoo of a koi fish covering my entire back.



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