World’s First Latte Art Stop-Motion Video: 1000 Cups of Coffee in Two Minutes


You may have seen it in fancy coffee shops or on Instgram, but you’ve never seen latte art like this.

In recent years, latte art has gotten more and more popular. These days, it’s nothing new to see your favorite manga or cartoon character on a cup of joe. In fact, we’ve even seen 3D latte art made from the foam. But one thing we’ve never seen is 1000 cups of coffee art in under 2 minutes. Well now all you caffeine-lovers can rejoice because that’s about to change.

Japanese coffee maker, Maxim Stick, released one of the most impressive stop-motion videos we’ve ever seen. “Latte Motion” is described as the world’s first latte art animation. Using various items (such as nuts and macarons) to create the background, and an incredible combination of patience and determination, Maxim Stick shot 1000 cups of coffee to create the heart-warming video.

As you can see in the behind-the-scenes video [below], this was no easy task. The team had to carefully cut each stencil to create smooth transitions between the cups. All coffee cups were then gently covered with cocoa powder and placed in an exact position.

The video has generated nearly 500,000 views and has received ongoing praise for it’s creativity and the hard work behind it. So even though it looked like a painfully tiring process, it was certainly worth it.

Besides, if they ever got tired they sure had plenty of coffee lying around to stay awake.



Feature image courtesy of RocketNews24.