Michael Copon Wants You To Help Create A ‘Power Ranger’ Film

Many of us who grew up during the 90’s knows how awesome our childhood shows were, from Goosebumps to the laugh-out-loud All That. But one show in particular allowed me to pick my favorite color (pink, of course) and run outside with my friends to battle the bad guys and pose with my best fighting stance while shouting, “It’s morphin’ time!”

Did I just take you back down memory lane and make you laugh at your six-year-old self? I know I did. Who could forget the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? Although cast members have changed and there are different plot lines with each new season, the rangers are still widely popular among children today. However, many fans of the original have grown up and still reminisce about fighting over who’s turn it was to be the red ranger. This is probably what sparked the production of the recently released “mature” Power Ranger short film:

Adult Power Ranger fans, who wouldn’t want to watch that on the big screen? If only it was possible… or is it?

Michael Copon from the Power Rangers: Time Force season is looking to make all grown-up fans’ dreams come true. Copon is even recruiting past rangers to star in the film! Say what now? It got me interested, but he needs your help in funding the movie. The more donations, the bigger and badder this independent film will be! I don’t know about you, but my fingers are crossed for something as action-packed and gritty as that fan-made short film.

Check out Copon’s viral promo video below and if you’re up to it, donate here.



All photos courtesy of Michael Copon on Facebook.


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