New York Fashion Week Recap: Son Jung Wan


New York Fashion Week is well underway and contributor Mariana Leung’s got the inside scoop on the shows. Here, her recap of Son Jung Wan’s Spring 2015 collection. 
Korean designer Son Jung Wan designed her spring 2015 collection with the concept of Yin and Yang. This concept was carried through in the juxtaposition of rough fabrics with delicate silk, rich jewel tones with metallic threads, men and women on the runway.

The best menswear sweaters had a combination of thick, chunky yarns knitted with superfine, almost sheer jersey areas. The sweaters were paired with light colored woven shorts. There was one free-form jacket offered in ivory that was also paired with ivory shorts.


There were plenty of clean white looks for spring along with deep navy, jade and amethyst. Many of the looks had a curved, metallic gold style line that gave the effect of the clothing being struck by lightning. It could also be a loose interpretation of the traditional yin yang symbol.

The pastels that the designer offered came in the form of a shiny iridescent group. Shimmering dresses and separates were paired with coordinating embellishments that mixed solid colored jewels with pearl and silver sequins.


-Story and photo by Mariana Leung, publisher of