Offensive Anti-Japan Tweets Trend After U.S. Women’s World Cup Victory


The country rejoiced last Sunday when the United States defeated Japan 5-2 in the Women’s World Cup finals. It was a match to celebrate for both fans and non-fans. In fact, it was the most-watched soccer game ever in U.S. history and the women’s team’s first World Cup win since 1999. However, some took the victory as a chance to express their anti-Japan sentiments online. Following the game, U.S. netizens began to tweet about how the game was “payback” for Japan’s 1941 attack on the U.S. naval base, Pearl Harbor.

“Pearl Harbor” and “USAv.JPN” were among the most popular trending topics on Twitter following the match. The Pearl Harbor references were also accompanied by tweets glorifying the United States’ atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

At least 2,400 people died in the attack on Pearl Harbor and at least 185,000 people died in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many netizens who recognized these events as tragedies were horrified by the insensitive tweets and responded with their own comments.
