Samsung Introduces ‘Eye Mouse’ for the Paralyzed

by REERA YOO | @reeraboo

Samsung Electronics has revealed a new “eye mouse” that allows people with disabilities to scroll and navigate a computer interface with a mere glance, reports the Wall Street Journal.

EYECAN+, the second generation of Samsung’s eye-tracking technology, uses a sensor under a computer monitor that reads eye movements, allowing the user to copy, paste, drag and drop or perform any of the 18 other basic computer functions by “clicking” the eye mouse with a blink.

Unlike its clunky 2012 predecessor, the EYESCAN+ does not require users to wear any device, such as glasses, and can be used while seated or lying down. Calibration is only required for first-time users as the eye tech will remember each user’s eye characteristics, according to Samsung’s press release.


The project was developed by a volunteer group of Samsung engineers in collaboration with Yonsei University graduate student Shin Hyung-Jin, who was born quadriplegic. During a demonstration at the Samsung’s headquarters on Tuesday, Shin typed a message using the eye-tracking mouse that read:

“Nice to meet you, everyone. I am happy that the eye mouse is developed in Korea. The eye mouse isn’t just an IT device, but arms and legs for a patient with advanced disease. I hope that these kind of research will be continued.”

Although this task took about 20 minutes, Shin was able to type accurately and only made one typo, which he quickly corrected. With EYECAN+, Shin has gained a new level of autonomy and can now jot notes for his studies without the assistance of a scribe.

Samsung has no plans to sell EYECAN+ commercially, due to it being too niche of a market, and will instead manufacture a limited supply of eye mouses to donate to charity organizations. In addition, the eye mouse’s design and technology will soon be made open source.