Student Spotlight: Parsons School of Design’s Noelle Sangyoo Lee

Give a little description of your background (where did you grow up, etc.).
Born in South Korea. My parents were living in NY but my mom moved to South Korea to give birth with me because she wanted to be near her family. She said that was the stupidest decision ever because the process of becoming a citizen here is really annoying. Anyway, moved to New Jersey when I was 3 with my mom. Because I lived a bridge away from NY I was always in the city every chance I got and grew to hate the suburbs my whole life.

Are there any organizations/clubs you are involved in? Tell us about what you’re up to!
I am not in any organization/clubs. But my fellow classmates and I all agree that our ridiculous tuition all goes into our overpriced cafeteria food. So if there was a club called: Parsons Uses all Our Money on Expensive Buildings and Food and We Don’t Like It, I’d probably be in that one.

What’s the best thing about your school?
We get to use the NYU library. That means we can check out the cute NYU philosophy major boys. Not really, probably the industry connections are the best thing. All the professors are super great and if you’re really close to them then they may help you get an internship in the future.

Your go-to food place:
Black Market in Alphabet City


What is your best student-budget recipe?
“Whatever you have in your fridge quesadilla” – pretty much tortilla and cheese and any other topping we can find.

Mozzarella/cheddar cheese
Microwavable bacon
Whatever vegetables we have in the fridge

Or 7-11 ice cream.

What has been your favorite memory so far?
Going to a free Blood Orange show in Central Park and just feeling completely at peace.

Tell us about your favorite and least favorite classes.
Favorite: Creative classes. The ones where we get to use our imagination and go on field.
Least: Technical classes. The ones where I have to practice observational drawing and learn how to use Adobe..

Do you have a worst roommate story? Let’s hear it.
I don’t have a worst roommate story … yet. But I’m in a suite style dorm with two rooms and everyone is in a relationship. So after coming out of my first serious relationship completely heartbroken (corny, I know) my dorm was like a war zone. Every time my roommate would FaceTime her boyfriend and say all cutesy things I’d feel really bad/sad and would go to my suite mates’ room to avoid hearing that stuff but someone in that room would already be FaceTiming her boyfriend too.


Who has been an influential figure in your life?
Boy George. He was a superstar and then his career went downhill. He had drug problems, went to jail, and gained lots of weight. But then he got out of his slump, lost a lot of weight, ate healthy, became sober, and now he’s having a Culture Club reunion! Such an inspiration!

I would say my mom but I’m pretty sure that’s a very typical answer. But in reality she really is the best and most influential figure in my life. She’s the only person who made it possible to fit all my dorm essentials into a Mini Cooper.

If you could sum up your life as a student in three words, they would be…
I want out.

Is there anywhere in the world where you’d want to study abroad? Where is it, and why?
Paris! It’s such a romantic city. As an artist, I feel like there will be a lot of inspiration. I would totally imagine myself in a Godard film studying there. And then maybe I’d be able to sing “Ca Plane Pour Moi” like a pro.

What was the hardest thing you’ve done so far?
Opening canned peaches without a can opener. I cut my hand pretty badly.

What song is representative of your life right now?
“Pennyroyal Tea” by Nirvana

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What was the last book you read…for fun?
Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco

What’s your go-to selfie face?
I’m kind of fascinated with nostrils…


What does your typical day consist of?
On a school day: I wake up and take a shower. Eat breakfast (always!). Go to class. Come home and eat ice cream. If I have something due for class I’d work on it all night. If not, I’d probably be watching old Twin Peaks episodes on Netflix and eating more ice cream.

What does your typical night out consist of?
Become super cute. Go out for dinner with my friends. And stay cute all night in my pajamas and eat ice cream. I’m not a huge fan of clubs or getting completely wasted. I like to chill out and vibe with my friends with Sweet Chili Doritos and good music.

If you had to evacuate your dorm/apartment/house immediately, what one item would you grab on the way out?
My laptop obviously. I have a lot of artwork on there and important documents and I would not want to lose any of that.

What’s your go-to selfie face? (A picture is obviously necessary.)

Coffee, tea, energy drinks, “crazier stuff,” or nothing at all?
Peanut butter, almonds, banana, and almond milk smoothie. If I’m feeling super healthy I’d add kale/spinach.

Who’s the person/people you can rely on for anything?
My mommy.


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