A Perpetual State of Searching

story and illustration by KAM REDLAWSK While genes alone aren’t the only building blocks to a person’s life narrative, they are a pretty good start, as they mark the beginnings to our story. Like so […]

Green Green Grass: What’s Wrong With You?

story and illustration by KAM REDLAWSK When I was young, I hated being different. Like most adolescent girls, struggling with identity and the awkwardness of puberty, I didn’t exactly exude confidence. I certainly never wanted to stand out, preferring instead to blend in with the crowd. […]

Homeland Tour for Biracial Adoptees

Hapa Mosaic Tour participants, including Katherine Kim (in hat), at Haemil School. story by KATHERINE KIM and DAWN TOMLINSON photographs by DENIS JEONG International adoption began in South Korea […]

Infinite Seeker

story and illustration by KAM REDLAWSK While looking at the Detroit skyline from my tiny studio apartment, I made the impetuous decision to visit Korea. This would be my first time back in […]

Living Against Fear

story and illustration by KAM REDLAWSK Parents always say things like, “You’re one in a million!” In fact, I literally am. My name is Kam, and a warm welcome to all of […]