Community and Fashion | Sketch Street’s Anthony Chan and Widelia Liu

When it comes to being a fashionista, we all know that maintaining style and fabulousness involves money. We all seek unique pieces, and most of the time we convince ourselves that it’s well worth the money. One would say, “$200 rainboots? Yeah, it’ll rain for sure. I need this.” With the economy the way it is these days, we are all rationalizing our budgets and pinching our pennies. What if there was an alternative to all of this? What if you could buy yourself a high quality, one-of-a-kind piece of clothing piece that’s affordable? You must think I’m bluffing! But look no further, I just found the site. An up and coming business called Sketch Street, this online store is where you can submit fashion sketches and have them come to real life! Based in London and recognized worldwide, Sketch Street is a new kind of style that us fashionista’s would love. With the wonderful opportunity of chatting with the founders of Sketch Street, check out this profile feature on the company and the owners, Widelia Liu and Anthony Chan! 

After meeting each other in an economics class at Cambridge University, Widelia Liu and Anthony Chan’s entrepreneurial spirit bonded the two together. After a year of investment banking and business management, the two Londoner’s left their jobs to pursue their passion for owning a business. The two aspects of Sketch Street focus on unique fashion and involvement within the community. Liu, who is a fashion lover for all things beautiful and unique, incorporates her love of high fashion to Sketch Street. “I know that I wanted to do something with fashion. Since I enjoy looking at all these one-of-a-kind looks, I know I wanted to show others these cool styles,” Liu says.

The other half of Sketch Street is Chan, who handles the tech and business operations. With Sketch Street, he wanted to incorporate involving the community. After researching and studying certain businesses, he knew that he wanted to run his business from a humble point. The two wanted the business to be more than just about profit and also provide some type of source of being involved with the customers. Chan notes, “I would look at companies like Velvet Brigade and liked their business model. It wasn’t just about the profit, but the simple idea of communication and open forum to everyone.”

At Sketch Street, watch your dream garment come to life! With just the simple process of submitting, voting, and creating, Sketch Street is a brand new source of bringing out the fashionista in you. So how do the founders of Sketch Street make sure that everything is well made? Liu states, “I hand-picked these crafted artisans to manufacture these pieces. I’ve known these people for a long time and I know how exquisite their garments are made. I want to make sure the product is of most high quality. Without a solid product, we wouldn’t be able to have a solid company.” Furthermore, I am most excited that I get to have a high quality, high fashion piece of my own!

With such a simple statement of being affordable but also creating something unique, the duo’s passion for helping the community shines through. I love featuring companies that care about more than just profit. I love to see everyday people’s designs turn into something real and fabulous! As Sketch Street continues to grow in fans, they are now in the process of collaborating with fashion illustrator extraordinaire Hayden Williams.

Sketch Street gives the chance to anyone to show their design worldwide. With a high volume of people from all around the world, watch your design grow international! Shop all the new styles for fall, and submit a design!

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