Help the Victims of Typhoon Haiyan – Here’s How

While there are many relief efforts out there to help the Philippines recover from the devastating Typhoon Haiyan, Filipina American Ruby Verdiano of Glamourbaby Diaries shares her trusted platforms, spearheaded by people she personally knows. Check out the below links to help the people of the Philippines.

Donate to GK and help fund a food pack consisting of bottled water, canned goods and rice for a family of 4. It will last them for 3 days when they need it most. GK’s relief teams are on the ground now clearing roads to get the food packs in the devastated areas. 98% of all donations we’ll go to the victims and their donations are 100% tax-deductible. DONATE HERE. 
Bundles of Joy 
One “Bundle of Joy” for $10 provides water, food, light, and vitamins to Typhoon Haiyan survivors.
