Michelle Phan Doesn’t Wash Her Face In The Morning?

Last month, we showed you the rather horrifying results of sleeping with makeup on. Even more stomach-churning, we showed you what happens when you don’t handle blackheads.. for twenty-five years.

Needless to say, skincare is (or should be) important to all of us. The task is to find the right methods to make sure you keep your skin as healthy as possible. All over the web, you can find people who swear by their methods of skincare and provide secret tips for a clear face. Should all of this advice be listened to?

Certainly not.

Realbeauty.com, for instance, noted that toilet seat covers can be used as blotting sheets. While we don’t doubt this, we’re go ahead and pass on this beauty tip.

So who do we turn to? How about someone who has over 5 million YouTube subscribers and nearly one billion video views?

For years, viewers have trusted Michelle Phan with makeup tutorials, skincare advice, and now fans have been going crazy over her new makeup line, EM Michelle Phan.

So when Michelle Phan advises us to not wash our face in the morning, people were a bit caught off guard. But don’t worry, the makeup guru has a perfectly fine explanation for this. Huffington Post reports:

I don’t wash my face in the morning. I know that might sound gross to some people but essentially when you’re sleeping and your pillows are clean, all you need to do in the morning is wipe down [your face] with a wet cloth. A lot of the times when you’re constantly washing your face over and over again, it dries the skin and your skin will produce more oil which causes breakouts. So it’s all about keeping balance on your skin and applying a light moisturizer in the day time.


Be sure to check out more of her advice here.
