Put Away Those Heels For These Trendy Slip-Ons

Story by Jeline Abutin. 

Wearing your go-to sky high Jeffery Campbell’s can get tiring. Put away those heels and wedges (on occasion) for this trend to try: slip-ons!

We’ve all encountered slip-ons at least once in our lives. If not, summer is the best way to get your feet in these shoes. Comfortable and easy to put on, slip-ons are a perfect shoe for those summer adventures that cute sandals and flats can’t handle.

Slip-ons aren’t just grungy anymore. Designers like Givenchy have embellished the basic slip-ons making them a mature and polished wardrobe piece. However, slip-ons like those will set you back about $650!

Not quite ready to bust your wallet for those Givenchy crystal-embellished sneakers? Here are our top five picks for slip-ons under $100!


slip 1
1). Topshop – KOOPER SLIP ONS
Price: $85.00
slip 2
2). NastyGal – Report Keelin Slip-On Sneaker
Price: $48.00
slip 3
3). Vans – Solid Colors Slip-On
Price: $45.00


slip 4
4). Steve Madden – ECENTRCF
Price: $69.95


slip 5
5). H&M – Patterned Shoes
Price: $39.95