Student Spotlight: Western Kentucky University’s Lydia Suh

Give a little description of your background (where did you grow up, etc.).
I have always lived in small towns where the Asian population is little to none. I never thought it was weird being the only Korean in my class. To me, it was weird when tons of Asian people were together; I felt out of place.

Your go-to food place:
Since I’ve been in California, Chipotle.

Tell us about your favorite and least favorite classes.
My favorite classes are labs because they are hands on. I like being able to move around and actually do something rather than sit and write notes while a teacher is lecturing.

Do you have a worst roommate story? Let’s hear it.
When I was in 7th grade I went to summer camp. My roommate had a baby doll that she thought was real, and it was creepy. I would walk into the room and turn on the lights, and she would quickly turn them back off because the baby was sleeping. It was definitely an experience.

Who has been an influential figure in your life?
My little sister has been really influential because she is always there for me. She is so strong and can make light of any situation. If you need to laugh she’s the first person you should talk to.

If you could sum up your life as a student in three words, they would be…
Stressful, time-management, fun.

Is there anywhere in the world where you’d want to study abroad? Where is it, and why?
I would love to go to Europe because I’ve never been. I have always loved traveling, and a couple of my friends studied in Europe last semester and loved it.

What was the hardest thing you’ve done so far?
College, because you suddenly become independent and you have to find the right balance between school and fun.

What song is representative of your life right now?
“Long Way Home” – 5 Seconds of Summer

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully I’ll be able to support myself with a job that I enjoy.

What was the last book you read…for fun?
The Maze Runner

What does your typical day consist of?
Wake up, get stuff done, eat, hang out with friends, sleep.

What does your typical night out consist of?
Spending hours figuring out what to do because all my friends are indecisive, then ending up going to steak’n shake, waffle house, or IHOP.

If you had to evacuate your dorm/apartment/house immediately, what one item would you grab on the way out?
If I was at home I would grab the photo albums, but if i was at the dorm it would be my laptop.

Apple or Android, or neither?

Mac or PC, or neither?

What’s your favorite tree?
Pecan, because there was a pecan tree in my backyard growing up and we would always pick the pecans and eat them.


If you would like to participate in KoreAm U’s Student Spotlight feature, you can find more information here.