Subscription Box Allows You to Taste Global Cuisine Without the Travel Costs


What if I told you that you could try gourmet food from different countries every other month without having to buy an airplane ticket? And what if I told you that you didn’t even have to step out of your house to get them? Think I’m bluffing? Well, let me introduce you to Try The World, a subscription box that contains (you guessed it) food from around the world.

Every 2 months, a box arrives with 6-7 curated items that represent a particular culture. A beautifully printed Culture Guide is included that not only provides introductions to the food and drinks, it also includes a Spotify playlist, movie suggestions and other fun information regarding that country.

Photo courtesy of Try The World Instagram

Below, you can see the contents of this month’s box from Japan. Those who have purchased the box can listen to some traditional Japanese music while preparing the tea ceremony. They can then switch to a more contemporary song while preparing and serving the okonomiyaki, a Japanese savory pancake.

Photo courtesy of Try The World Facebook

Cards are included for each product which explains if it is organic, if the company is family run, if the proceeds support local communities and other interesting details. Quirky tidbits help create for a more enriching experience, even if the customers aren’t able to physically visit the country. You can also purchase your favorite snacks on the website’s shop!

As a gal who loves food and travel, I’m completely sold. Just sign me up and take my money!



Feature photo courtesy of Try The World Facebook