Top Stories of the Week: These Asian Actresses Are So Much More Than Just Hot

1) Hollywood’s “20 Hottest Asian Actresses” Are So Much More Than Hot (READ HERE




Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 12.44.59 PM2) (Safe) Big Circles Lenses Are Finally Available in the U.S. (READ HERE




3) Get to Know Brittany Ishibashi from Wong Fu’s ‘Everything Before Us’ (READ HERE




Screen Shot 2015-06-19 at 12.47.38 PM4) Tina Desai Travels the World for her Role in the Netflix Series ‘Sense8′ (READ HERE




Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 1.20.29 PM5) Get to Know Chris Riedell From Wong Fu’s ‘Everything Before Us’ (READ HERE