Which Ajumma are you?

By Kai Ma
Photographs by Rae Huo

Ajumma! Are You Krazy???, written and directed by Brent Anbe, is an over-the-top zany comedy about Hawaii’s current addiction to Korean soaps—and the eccentric women who fuel the obsession. When three friends hear that a K-drama celeb is coming to Hawaii, they set out on a quest to meet him. Predictably, ruckus ensues.

“Korean drama watchers in Hawaii are mostly married female office workers and retirees,” says Anbe, who is based in Honolulu. In 2005, Anbe witnessed the mania firsthand. “I went to a film festival event that Lee Byung-hun attended. I literally saw his fans—ranging from 40 to 80 years old—going insane. It was as if Elvis or the Beatles had arrived.”

All three ajumma characters are a mash-up of the colorful and influential women in Anbe’s life. Which one are you?

The Hardcore Fan
Judy (Thea Matsuda), a shy yet fearless drama devotee. Says Anbe, “The actress has been coined “an Asian Kathy Bates.”
Why she’s an ajumma: over-the-top expressions, frenetic energy, loud floral attire, heavily tinted tresses.

The Tough Cookie

Susan (Tessie Magaoay), the gruff, dependable pal. “She sticks up for the girls,” say Anbe. “She is the foundation.”
Why she’s an ajumma: color-coordinated ensemble, Hawaii-themed business outfits, flowers in her hair.

The Sex Kitten
Amy (Cari Mizumoto), the purring minx of the crew and zealous Korean-man fan. “Amy appears to be a very popular name within the K-drama loving community,” notes Anbe.
Why she’s an ajumma: animal print, bling, false eyelashes, caked-on eye shadow, blush, red lipstick.