Who Knew Judo Could Be This Cute?

Anyone who is skilled in the art of judo knows that it should not be taken lightly. Although the name judo means the “gentle or yielding way,” an intense Judo match is far from gentle.

The objective of this martial art, which is derived from jujutsu, is to throw or takedown an opponent to the ground. You may immobilize or subdue an opponent with a pin, or force an opponent to submit with a joint lock or a choke.

The idea behind judo is to use your opponent’s strength against them and adapt to changing circumstances. Because it does not solely focus on one’s strength, judo can be mastered by anyone regardless of their body type.

Although judo welcomes all, we certainly didn’t expect to see these tiny girls on the mat for a judo match.


Our initial fear of the young girls getting hurt is quickly erased. We can’t help but squeal at how cute these girls are in their mini judo outfits. They bow to one another enthusiastically and take turns pinning one another to the ground.

By the end of the match, the girls simply run towards each other and hug before falling to the ground giggling. Watch the video below.


