Adorable Drawings Made With Everyday Items by Hyemi Jeong


Hyemi Jeong is a 21-year-old Toronto-based engineering student, whose hobby is creating adorable and clever illustrations that incorporate everyday objects.

Simple and whimsical, Jeong’s drawings look like they’re straight from a children’s picture book. While food seems to be a common prop in her work, she uses a wide range of household items including jewelry, safety pins, bottle caps, and more.

“I came to Canada to study English a few months ago,” Jeong told the Digital Journal. “When I was in Korea, I didn’t have enough time to enjoy something I like. However, I have much free time here in Toronto, more than before.”

Jeong shares her illustrations on Instagram with over 5,000 followers. Below are some of her charming artworks:

If you like Hyemi’s work, check out more of her illustrations on Instagram.