Full name: Brittany Mariko Ishibashi Horowitz (I know it’s a mouthful, but I wanted to keep my name once I got married!)
Age: 34
Ethnic background: Japanese
Where you were born: Orange, CA
Where you were raised: Orange, CA…and a little bit of Hawai’i
In Wong Fu’s very first feature-length film, Everything Before Us, Brittany Ishibashi stars as Sara, who is on her way to setting up her own bakery. When her ex-boyfriend Ben contacts her to settle their inconclusive scores, she reluctantly agrees and lets him back into her life, which opens old wounds and threatens to destroy everything she was worked toward.
About the film:
1. Describe your character in three words.
Driven. Passionate. Fun.
2. What is the most crucial part of being in a romantic relationship?
Listening. Every day brings new experiences that shift and change us. As we evolve, it’s imperative to listen to how our partner is changing as well.
3. What would your real-life relationship score be, and why?
My husband would give me a 99. We communicate well and are each other’s greatest support system. He’s the best. Why not “100”? Room to grow
4. Any bloopers or memorable episodes on set?
Oh man. I feel like we need a special box set of just Randall Park’s outtakes. He is an improv king. Definitely one of the smartest and funniest people I’ve ever met. I also couldn’t stop laughing when Aaron accidentally tore the side view mirror off the car when I was driving away after our first DEI scene. Now that is one committed actor.
5. What is your opinion of Wong Fu as film directors?
It felt like a family from Day One. I attribute that to Wong Fu’s heart and generosity as creatives and people. It’s refreshing to collaborate with artists that are both truly gifted storytellers and genuinely nice people. It made for a warm set where the artist in me felt free to roam and play. I also really responded to the way they use music and light in painting their story. It’s so intuitive and beautiful.
About Brittany:
1. What always makes you laugh?
My baby. His laugh is contagious!
2. Your go-to comfort food?
Dark chocolate for sure! And if it comes with a glass of wine, even better!
3. Currently on “repeat” on your ipod?
Wheels on the Bus. My kid goes crazy for it. Oh, wait. For me? “Uptown Funk”
4. A guilty pleasure you don’t feel guilty about?
Sleep. Definitely sleep.
5. Current favorite place?
My son’s nursery. It’s a “world adventurer” theme and awesome. Hmmm, Maui is a close second.
6. Favorite drink, alcoholic or otherwise?
Kombucha. I’m currently brewing my own!
7. Current obsessions?
Baby babble. Madecasse dark chocolate toasted coconut bars. Finding the perfect pair of torn jeans.
8. Habit you need to break?
Saying “yes” to everything. I overcommit myself a LOT. Haha. I totally thrive on it though…so I see this one as pretty difficult to break.
9. Hidden talent?
I’m a trapeze artist!
10. Talent you’d like to have?
Hip hop dancing. I’ve tried and it’s hysterical. My body just does not move that way.
11. Favorite hashtag?
12. If you weren’t doing what you are doing now, what occupation would you be doing?
I honestly don’t know. Working on my hip hop dancing?
Want to get to know the rest of the cast? Click here to learn more about Randall Park and Victoria Park. Be on the look out for profiles on the rest of the cast coming soon! Everything Before Us is currently available on Vimeo. Click below to check it out.
Photo courtesy of Adam Hendershott