Latest Asian Trend: This $1300 Camera Will Give You the Perfect Selfie

There’s no denying it — Asians love taking selfies. How much do we love them? Apparently, enough to dish out $1300 for a camera designed specifically for taking selfies. Talk about obsession– uh, I mean.. devotion.

We’re not quite sure when selfies became a worldwide phenomenon, but we are sure that this trend is still going strong and Asians are at the forefront of this selfie-obsession. TIME magazine created a list of top 100 selfie-crazed cities in the world. As you may have expected, there are quite a number of Asian cities on this list. In fact, the world’s most selfie-obsessed cities are both located in the Philippines.

Well I’m sure they would all love to get their hands on a Casio EX-TR35, more commonly known as “the selfie camera.”

So how exactly is this camera catered to selfie-taking? Well for starters, the camera takes away the usual difficulties of physically taking the selfie. There are multiple buttons on the device which allows you to hold the camera in whatever angle you’d like. If reaching out to touch the button ruins the aesthetics of your picture (oh, the struggle!) there is voice control and a count down feature. Tired of physically holding the camera? Well the Casio EX-TR35 has a stand which can help you take your picture from afar.

If that horrid habit of blinking gets in the way of your perfect selfie, have no fear! The Triple Shot feature takes three continuous shots with a single press of the shutter button to prevent accident blinking.

And the quality of these selfies? Well a selfie camera wouldn’t be a selfie camera without offering special effects. Allegedly, the various “make up” options can whiten, brighten and smooth out your skin. So after a few edits, voilà! You have the perfect selfie.

Many individuals, such as Kai W who reviews this product in the video below, cannot justify spending $1300 on a selfie camera, but the woman in the video (who ends up taking 2395925 selfies) clearly gets it.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think. Would spend $1300 for the perfect selfie?
