Top 10 Incredibly Talented Asian Children Who Became Viral Sensations

For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard the saying that Asian children are over-achievers. Apparently in our youth, we all mastered 100 instruments, learned 50 languages, filled our days with extra-curriculars and still managed to get straight A’s. Oh, and we all knew Kung Fu too.

Well I’ve either forgotten most of those abilities or maybe, just maybe, that myth is just a myth after all. I’m gonna go ahead and lean towards the latter since the closest I’ve gotten to being musically talented are my 20 minute singing-in-the-shower concerts.

My point is, we are not all superhuman and every time I come across non-Asians who make that assumption, I wonder where they got that idea from. But then I stumble upon all the talented Asian children on YouTube and the assumptions begin to make sense to me.

They’re right– some of these kids are superhuman.

It’s hard to believe that these little ones possess such talent and natural ability. Check out our list of talented Asian children and be prepared to be blown away. As for me, I’m going to go curl up in a ball and wonder what I’ve been doing with my life.


1) Ryan Wang, 5-year-old piano prodigy
What were you doing at 5? Ryan Wang was performing in New York’s prestigious Carnegie Hall after a mere year and half of lessons. Here he is performing for one of his biggest fans– a 101-year-old family friend.



2) Aldrich Lloyd Talonding and James Walter Bucong, young Filipino musicians
This duo put up a cover of “Dance with My Father” on YouTube and it skyrocketed into viral fame. For months, no one could identify who they were so Ellen went to find them.


3) Mahiro-Chan, the most fierce 7-year-old martial artist
Forget cuteness, this 7-year-old will destroy you with her Kankudai skills. Mahiro-chan moves with an intensity, fierceness and speed that would impress any martial artist.


4) An entire class of talented Korean musicians 
This 2nd grade class in an elementary school in Daegu, South Korea gives an impressive cover of Nujabes’ “Aquarian Dance.”


5) Three Dancers with mind-blowing choreography 
Performing for DANCE@LIVE Japan 2014.



6) 4-year-old Rocker
Watch this lil guy perform a drum cover of System of A Down’s “Chop Suey.”


7) Sean Lew who began dancing at the age of 4
This professional dancer (he turned pro 3 years ago) has 7 years of dance experience, including international performances with collectiveUth and a stint on Glee.


8) Joyce Jimenez, a blind 11-year-old with an amazing voice
Residing in the Philippines, Joyce Jimenez belts out a cover of “Wrecking Ball” while following along to braille lyrics.



9) Tiny Hip-Hop Dancer
Both cute and talented, this little one has no problem following along to the choreo.




10) Taiwanese singer Lin Yu Chun
Watch him give Whitney Housten a run for her money in his cover of “I Will Always Love You.”