The racist tweets that followed American Sniper gives us just a small taste of the Islamophobia and the anti-Muslim sentiment that is alive and well in America. According to Wikipedia, Islamophobia is “a term for prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam, Muslims, or of ethnic groups perceived to be Muslim.”
Well Los Angeles-based writer and activist Taz Ahmed was tired of it all and decided to use Valentine’s Day as an outlet for her frustration. The result? #MuslimVDay cards.
These “delightfully uncomfortable” Valentine’s Day cards aim to make you laugh and if you’re uncomfortable while laughing, then the cards have done their job. As Colorlines Magazine points out, these cards are Ahmed’s answer to Islamophobia and stereotypes faced by Muslim women.
“I was tired of Muslims being put into a box – and tired of being in the box of a non-sexual Muslim woman,” Ahmed told Colorlines. “So this was my way of reappropriating Islamophobia.”
Ahmed recently released her fourth series of cards, which can be purchased on Etsy. Not sure if these cards are for you? Ahmed says they’re great for any Muslim who “finds it difficult to find that perfectly snarkily witty Valentine Day card that convey the exact emotions you feel of love in the time of a racialized, islamophobia-ridden America.”
Intrigued? Check out some the cards from the previous years below:
All photos courtesy of Tazzy Star Shop.