Japanese Artist Creates Unbelievably Detailed Balloon Animals


I don’t know about you, but when I think of a balloon animal, I usually imagine a really simple balloon dog. Well, you’re going to look at balloon animals in a completely different light after you see the incredible work of Japanese artist, Masayoshi Matsumoto, who is taking this art form to a whole new level.

Matsumoto has been gaining quite a bit of media attention and for good reason! After all, who wouldn’t be mesmerized by the intricate details of his balloon creations. Most impressive of all, these works of art are made entirely of balloons– no adhesive, sharpies or extra materials. Even the tiny eyes and toenails are balloons!

You can find his collection here on his Tumblr page or here on his Facebook page. You can also check out his series of characters which does incorporate ink and paint. I didn’t think his work could get any more detailed, but I was certainly wrong.

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All photos courtesy of  Masayoshi Matsumoto‘s Tumblr page.