Steve Carell’s North Korea-Based Thriller Scrapped

by REERA YOO | @reeraboo

Another Hollywood film has suffered from the Sony Pictures cyberattack. According to, production company New Regency has scrapped another film that was to be set in North Korea, immediately after major theater chains canceled screenings for The Interview.

Pyongyang, a thriller based on a Guy Delisle graphic novel, was being developed by Director Gore Verbinski and had Steve Carell attached to the project. Written by Steve Conrad, the script tells the story of a Westerner in North Korea who is accused of espionage. Principle photography for the film was slated to begin in March, but was soon canceled in the wake of terrorist threats against movie theaters playing The Interview, reports The Hollywood Reporter.

Following these these threats, the top five theater circuits in North America — Regal, AMC, Cinemark, Carmike Cinemas and Cineplex Entertainment — all opted to not screen the Seth Rogen/James Franco comedy. Earlier today, Sony Pictures announced the cancellation of the film’s Christmas release.

Photo courtesy of The Wrap